Color by face not working

Hi all,
After I did the installation of Rhino pollination version 0.131.1, I am not able to visualize anything on rhino display using color face by property tab.

Hi @asisnath! Thanks.

@mingbo, I can recreate the issue for FaceType and Construction but the rest are working for me. @asisnath, is this also the case for you?


Here is Energy - R-Value

Hi @asisnath and @mostapha, thanks. I found a bug in the case of “Construction”, but the rest items work fine on my side. Could you confirm that? If others don’t work, could you also please share a sample model for me to debug?

Hi @mingbo @mostapha I am having issue with all parameter, I am sharing the file in your inbox

Thanks @asisnath, I just fixed this issue and a new version will be ready in an hour.

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