Conflict with ClimateStudio 2.0 - Revit cannot run the external application "Pollination.Revit"

Hello Pollination Developers,

I am receiving the below error when launching Revit 2024 with Pollination for Revit 2.209.7 installed. I noticed that this error occurs when I have ClimateStudio 2.0.8981 installed. There appears to be a conflict between these two Revit plugins. This is quite problematic though as both are necessary in our building performance workflows.


I see these proceeding discussions but wanted to bring it up in relation to ClimateStudio.

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Hi @justinshultz,

Thank you for documenting this. We’re aware of this issue and it’s a hard one to resolve because both plugins are using Eto. Keeping the versions the same has been challenging. If you add RiR to the list then it’s even more challenging.

I talked to Alstan about the issue briefly in the past. Now that the version 2.0 is out, it should be a good time to reach out to him again and see if we can keep the versions in sync. I’ll keep you posted.

We have also started removing the Eto dependency from Pollination altogether. It will take some time for that to happen.


Glad it is a known issue and that you guys are looking into solutions. Please keep me updated on your progress.

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