Improved Rhino Pollination Command Documentation


I reference the User Manual >> Rhino Pollination Commands frequently. Sometimes I wish there was more documentation on the commands. For example, accompanying before/after screen caps or animations showing command may be useful to new users. Often Pollination team has provided these to our team in one off situations, but thinking it would help wider community if placed under documentation.

Also, perhaps adding suggestion of associated commands would be useful to new users as well. For example, PO_CheckGeometryAdjacency pairs well with MoveEdge, MoveFace, etc. Maybe even add links to associated commands.

Example of PO_CheckGeometryAdjacency

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Hi @victorbrac!

Thank you for all your suggestions. You are up for the community member of the month award! :1st_place_medal:

That was the goal when we started the documentation. A few of the early Rhino commands already have those images with acceptable documentation. See this one for an example:

Here is another:

We had a good start but over time, our development got ahead of our documentation. Starting two weeks ago now we have one day per week that is exclusively for documentation. We call it #contentsday! This is an item that perfectly fits with our initiative. Do you have a list of commands besides PO_CheckGeometryAdjacency that you would have liked to have more documentation? That will help us to prioritize improving them first.

cc: @mingbo


ohh man. that’d go on my fridge!

Maybe these:
PO_Energy series of commands

Hi, @victorbrac - I just pushed an improved version of the documentation for Rhino commands.

Similar commands are now grouped together in the single page commands list with a short description. That should make it easier to find them.


Each command page now supports links for images, videos, related topics on Discourse, and a list of related commands. Here are a few screenshots.

PO_AlignToGrid page


PO_DrawRoom page


Now that we have the infrastructure to populate these pages we should be able to improve them as we continue to create new content.

cc: @mingbo, @jankivyas

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Thanks for the post and improved documentation!