Invalid model due to missing aperture construction

I have this invalid model error (see screenshot) saying aperture construction “Generic double pane_Rev” not found in construction which is true because the construction set applied to the entire model do not have this “Generic double pane_ Rev” construction. I am wondering where this is coming from? It appears that it is actually applied to some rooms. Is there something I could be doing wrong when applying construction set? The model is over 300 rooms and I do not want to check this manually for every single room. Is there is a way I can delete this construction or just select aperture with this ghost construction (Generic double pane_ Rev)? I tried to search this ghost construction in the construction library but I could not find it. Any tips on how solve this more efficiently? Thanks

Hi @ffotsing99,

@chriswmackey or @mingbo should be able to help you with this.

The easiest way to fix issues like this is to edit them in the text file. Can you save the model as a HBJSON file and send it to us in a private message?