Ironbug Deleted after fresh Rhino Pollinaion install

Hi all.
I am currently using the new Ironbug one click installer by @mingbo and it woks perfectly. But when I do a fresh updated Rhino Pollination insallation, it always gets deleted and again I have to install Ironbug. So is there a better way to deal with it ?

Hi @asisnath, thanks for letting us know. Let me try what I can do.

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Hi @asisnath,

@mostapha and I have talked about this issue, and we think it’ll be easier to include the Ironbug within the Pollination installer so that you don’t have to worry about reinstalling the Ironbug after the Pollination.

I put this request as a low priority for now unless you think this is critical for you.


That would be great @mingbo. Thanks for the update

Hi @asisnath,

Sorry for taking some time to address this. Ironbug is included as an optional installation component in the new version of the installer, and by default, it won’t be installed.
You can select the checkbox for the Ironbug, and it will be installed to the “C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\grasshopper\ironbug”.

Please let me know if everything works fine on your side.

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Thanks @mingbo. Thats a very useful update for ironbug user. This will save lot of time. :ok_hand:

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