Local runs freezes Grasshopper and Rhino

Hi guys.

Everything works fine when using cloud calculation. But when I was trying to do it locally, Rhino and Grasshopper got frozen.

The calculation can run successfully, but when the black window disappeared, the Rhino and Grasshopper got frozen. The only thing I can do was to use task manager to close Rhino.

(frozen like the screenshot below)

Is there anything I did wrong or it is the bug?

Thank you for any help!

Hi @adaaaaam - What version of the Grasshopper plugin are you using? We just released a new version that might resolve this problem.

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Hi @mostapha -Thank you for your reply. Now I downloaded and installed the latest version of the Grasshopper plugin but I’m afraid it’s still frozen after the simulation…

Thank you, @adaaaaam - I should have tested it myself. I can recreate the error.

@mingbo, The simulation starts and finishes but the component doesn’t pick it up and freezes the Grasshopper canvas.

I was able to recreate the issue for the daylight factor recipe too. This is a bug! :bug:

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Hey Mingbo! This might be because of the new changes for the local runs and the local database.

Thanks @mostapha, this will be fixed in the new version.

You can now download version 1.26.17 which resolves this issue.

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