Radiator using Ironbug not working

Hey, @mingbo, I have a question for you regarding detailed HVAC using ironbug. I am trying incorporate DOAS + Radiator + Chilled Beam, I adapted one of the IB HVAC template (DOAS + Chilled Beam), however, it is showing this error:

  1. Solution exception:Failed to serialize IB_HVACSystem, please report this to the developer!

Could you help me with this?
RadiatorNotworking.gh (61.3 KB)

Hi @jionntan, sorry for the late reply. It turns out there was a bug in the ZoneHVACBaseboardRadiantConvectiveWater component. I have pushed a new fix and a new release of Ironbug is available now. You can download and update it individually or use a new version of the Pollination installer later. (I will let you know when a new Pollination installer is ready)

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