getting this error when trying to solve adjacency… any recommendations?
Hi @jakechevriersg, can you share the model with us privately to recreate the issue on our end?
Hi @jakechevriersg, as Mostapha said, it would be great to have a simple testable model for us to recreate the issue on our end.
Without looking into the model, I would guess the metadata gets lost somehow in steps before the PO_SolveAdjacency. Could you please let us know what Rhino commands or actions you did before the PO_SolveAdjacency, and instructions on how to recreate this issue from a valid model to this error message?
Unfortunately, I can’t share this specific model… note its a large model with 2800+ rooms
I started recognizing the pattern last night…
- make the rooms - PO_addrooms
- solve adjacency - PO_solveadjacency
- Get tiny edge, or unable to intersect ERRORS…
- goto top view
- use po_aligninplan when possible
- for more complicated stuff, i use move edge
- when using move edge, it breaks the “room” and becomes a polysurface
- i then need to recreate the room (sometimes even needing to recreate the geometry, by dupfaceborder, projecttocplane, extrude) and then start the solve_adjacency all over again
the error i was getting in the screenshot, seems to stem from me trying to po_solveadjacency for a combination of rooms, and the “broken” rooms that were now just polysurfaces
Also, this morning, i reopened the model i was working on, and none of the rooms are showing up after hitting refresh on pollination, and the geometries that were working yesterday are not able to be turned into rooms today
Hi @jakechevriersg, I think it most likely was caused by “move edge” and leads to an invalid geometry. This would end up with “broken” rooms if you didn’t fix it right the way or undo the “move edge”. When you save the Rhino model without fixing those “broken” rooms, Rhino basically turns them to pure Rhino geometry with no metadata, which is why all “rooms” are not rooms anymore when you open it today.
Thank you, @mingbo!
Shouldn’t this scenario only affect the invalid rooms? I understand why we can’t automatically fix the issue but we should try to limit the damage.
I think we should never this happen by undoing the changes for the user automatically. Basically, don’t let the room stay in a “broken” state.
This one will be challenging to support without having access to the model but I think there is a workaround here. I sent you a private message with more information, @jakechevriersg! Let’s continue the conversation there.