Switching from Honeybee Plus - 3 phase to LBT to use Pollination

Another question that I forgot to ask is that, If I simultaneously have two aperture groups per orientation (that is 8 in total for North, East, South, and West). The model will calculate the results for all the possible combinations of states for all the apertures (that might be too many combination)

In that case, will it be advisable to have a different simulation for each orientation and add the illuminance values in the end? (that might reduce the number of combinations)

Final ill = Ill of selected states for North +
Ill of selected states for East +
Ill of selected states for South +
Ill of selected states for West

Hi @vanageso,

I would keep everything as one simulation.

I have attached a file with the WIP method. You will need the latest version of honeybee-radiance-postprocess, so update your core libraries with LB Versioner if you have to.
sensitivity_5.0_pollination_PO_sim_v3_forum.gh (640.1 KB)

The schedule can be a list of integers, or just a single integer, in which case it will be a static schedule (the same state for all hours). In the file, there are 4 states, so the valid integers are 0, 1, 2, and 3. And of course, you would have to copy the groups below to add schedules for east, south, and west.

There is a modified version of HB Annual Results to Data. This will give you the illuminance for whatever combinates of states that you chose.

Let me know if it does not work.

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Updated the core libraries to version [1.6.54] using LB Versioner

The HB Annual Results to Data is trying to pull data for .ill files

Instead, the files available after the simulation are NPY files under subfolders (shown below)

Are there any additional steps I am missing?

Hi @vanageso,

When syncing the components I think it also changed this component. Can you try to redownload the file I shared above, and just copy the HB Annual Results to Data component from that file, or use the file attached to this message?
hb_annual_results_to_data_modified.gh (8.8 KB)

Current error

I pushed this change earlier, which means that you do not have the latest version of honeybee-radiance-postprocess. Can you please try to run LB Versioner again, but leave the version input empty.

Thank you. The component works now!!

However, when I use it with more than one aperture per group, it shows an error (error attached below)

One question about the aperture groups (I couldn’t find any post about it on both Ladybug or the Pollination forum)

— If a list of apertures is provided to the aperture group (should the output be one group or a list as it gives out now). Does it affect the WIP method as it is being used now?

Hi @vanageso,

I am not able to recreate the error. Can you share the Grasshopper file?

The output you get there is simply the apertures that you connected to the component – they are not converted into one object. However, all those apertures are now sharing the same dynamic group identifier (“East_top_group” in your example). To answer your question; the output should be a list of the apertures and it should work with the WIP method.

Not letting me upload a file anymore.

Hi @vanageso,

If it still fails to upload here you can attach it in a mail: mikkel@ladybug.tools

Something with using the LB versioner is making the file corrupt. That was the reason I was not able to upload the file anywhere (including the forum or email)

The error when I run LB versioner says “User object source file is corrupt”. And after I open Grasshopper the following error pops up (it doesn’t if I run it as an administrator)

I tried using both the new fixed LB versioner and one-click installer to install everything again (Ladybug update problem - #3 by chris - ladybug-tools - Ladybug Tools | Forum).

So a few posts ago when I was able to run the WIP method, I had to run Rhino as an administrator.

Hi @vanageso, this is a permission issue. Running Rhino as an admin should solve the problem. Also, see the discussion here:

In case you can wait for a few more days, we should create a new release of the Rhino plugin in a few days which should include all the updates that you are trying to install.

Still facing the same error after using the LB versioner and running as admin. I have added the file for reference.

sensitivity_5.0_pollination_PO_sim_v3_forum_MK_2.gh (840.1 KB)

Hi @vanageso,

If doing as shown in the image below does not work, please try the following:

  1. Download dynamic.py (8.0 KB).
  2. Go to the following folder C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\Lib\site-packages\honeybee_radiance_postprocess.
  3. Replace the file called dynamic.py with the one you downloaded in step 1.

Thank you for your response. The error went away.

However, the illuminance values are always zero when using the aperture groups.

I used the same modifiers with static apertures, and it works for both BSDF-based and normal trans-material modifiers.

But with dynamic aperture groups, the illuminance values are zero even with default modifiers/non-BSDF based modifiers/BSDF-based modifiers

sensitivity_5.0_pollination_PO_sim_v3_forum_MK_2.gh (853.4 KB)

Hi @vanageso,

Can you try to create the grid from the Room in the HB Add Surface component?

HB sensor Grid from rooms works when used this way for workplace sensors.

I am also trying to use the vertical sensor to calculate glare. I tried using the HB sensor grid from apertures to values for vertical sensors, and the illuminance values are zero. (results are not generated for apertured groups shown in screenshot below)

Also, there is no way to set a particular height for the vertical sensor as they use apertures [I want to set it to 1.2 meters at eye level]). I tried using the HB Sensor Grid component, not using the rooms HBobj as input but just points and directions (illuminance values a zero using that method too!)

I think this is the last step I need to figure out before my model is complete for running. As always, I really appreciate your help.

I forgot to upload the model

sensitivity_5.0_pollination_PO_sim_v3_forum_MK_2.gh (830.0 KB)

Hi @vanageso,

The results are not generated for aperture groups because the vertical sensor grid does not have a room identifier. The two “from Rooms” components for sensor grids will take care of this automatically, but you can edit the room identifier of the grid with one line of code. I have attached the custom Python script in the Grasshopper file.

If you need the sensors at 1.2 meters then you should use HB Sensor Grid.

grid_room_identifier.gh (837.6 KB)

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