Boundary Conditions- Solve Adjacency


I have a revit model, which converted to GEM file to import in to rhino.
With slight changes, I was able to get a valid model without any errors.

The following queries may have been asked before.

On running PO_SolveAdjacency, the internal partition walls show outdoors as boundary condition

Is it possible to rectify is this error?

I also had to set couple of walls as air boundaries- Despite setting both faces as air boundaries, it still threw error - any suggestions here?
I tried PO_RebuildRoooms and PO_SolveAdjacency for those rooms, and the errors multiplied somehow. Has anyone faced this problem?

Any help is much appreciated

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

Hi @lavanyanayak, it is hard to help you with these questions without accessing the model. Can you share the model with me privately?

I suggest using the HBJSON format for interoperability between Revit and Rhino. It will include all the information including the boundary condition. The GEM format only includes the geometries, and everything will be set to outdoors.

Most likely the walls are not touching. You can see that by zooming in. If they are, try to solve the adjacency only between the two rooms and see if it works.

I should be able to help you with this if you share your model as an HBJSON file with us.

This error was resolved after using the LinkHost option in the PO_RebuildAperturesDoors command to fix the links, and also adding a few missing adjacent doors.
