Error: Browse job status

Hi guys

I tried to browse a previously simulated project using the Check Job Status component. However, when I press browse, the window closes. See the attached video.

Any suggestions as to what may cause this?

Hi @labrosse, Thank you for reporting this. It is indeed a bug and I can recreate this on our end! That’s good news and means we can fix it. :hammer_and_wrench:

I know it is not ideal but for now, you can use the job URL to create a string for the job. The format is {account-name}/{project-name}/{job-id}. Here is an example:

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Hi @labrosse,

Have you ever encountered this problem again with the right-click or double-click method to get a job?

Hi @mingbo

I actually haven’t done daylight studies since I wrote this post, so I wouldn’t be able to answer and I won’t have time to retry before going on vacation. At the time I “solved” it by rerunning the installation rather than browsing for an existing job.

Thank you for the update, @labrosse! I’ll mark this as resolved for now. I can’t also recreate the issue on my end. We will have another look if it becomes a problem again in the future.