Failed to bake construction from GH to Rhino

Hello @mostapha

I’m trying to push a new construction from GH to Rhino and I get ‘failed to bake’ error.
The exact same command used to work a while ago, could it be a version thing?


Hi @olivierdambron, sorry about that. Can you share a minimum example with us to recreate the issue? Thanks!

@mostapha no worries, here is a gh file with the relevant part.
Push (39.4 KB)

Let me know if you can recreate it with this

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Hi @olivierdambron, sorry for the issue. I just checked your file, and I can recreate the issue. I am looking into it now.

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Ok, I have just fixed the issue and am building a new version of installer now. Will sent you via private message once it is ready.

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Thank you so much, really appreciate it!!