Failed to remove degenrate rooms error

@mostapha @mingbo I’m watching the video tutorials. In the 3rd video, I followed the video for 7 minutes and connected components, but the energy simulation did not run successfully.

Here are the files.
01_Heating_before.3dm (216.2 KB) (39.3 KB)

Do you know how to sovle the issue? Is it due to the basic environmental setting? I have Rhino7, Ladybug Tools 1.7.0 and OpenStudio Application version 1.6.0.

I’ve opened your model and GH script and it did run fine on my machine:

I don’t really get this message, your input is a valid polysurface:

  Valid polysurface.
  closed solid polysurface with 6 surfaces.
  Edge Tally:
  12 manifold edges
  Edge Tolerances: all 0.000
  Vertex Tolerances: all 0.000
  Render mesh: none present
  Analysis mesh: none present

And the model is really in meters:

I have Rhino7, Ladybug Tools 1.7.0 and OpenStudio Application version 1.6.0.

My setup for reference (I’ve just updated via the Pollination installer):

I don’t think that the OpenStudio Application would interfere with this, what is your OpenStudio version?

Do you know how to sovle the issue?

As a first guess, I would try updating to the latest build available with the LB_Versioner component.

I’ve tried this on Rhino 7.37.

Hi @keigonomura, similar to @furtonb I can’t recreate the error.

My guess is that your Rhino model units was set to mm when you started building the GH definition, and the model is too small in mm that creates a degenerated room. This model is too simple to cause any geometry issues.

Can you make sure the Rhino model units are in meters, and then try to Recompute the solution. You can right-click on the canvas and select Recompute.

That will most likely solve the issue.

P.S. We released a new version of the Rhino plugin yesterday which has the latest version of the Ladybug Tools plugins.

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@mostapha @furtonb Thank you for your replies.

Recompute worked!