gbXML export - Surface type issues

Glad to hear it. I just merged in a change that allows you to set all of the interior horizontal faces to be an InteriorFloor:

It’s exposed on the latest HB Dump gbXML Grasshopper component if you want to try it out yourself:

Otherwise, @mingbo can expose it on the “Save As gbXML” capability of the Rhino plugin as soon as he gets the chance.

Hi @chriswmackey, is this option also exposed for the command: honeybee_energy translate model-to-gbxml?

Yes, you can see the new command in the docs here:

Admittedly, the command is a little different than how I exposed it on the Grasshopper component but I think you can just have a similar boolean/check-box input as an option on the “Save As gbXML” menu for “All Interior Floors” and that would mean that you just add the following to the command:

--interior-face-type InteriorFloor

Ok, thanks @chriswmackey.

Hi @piusto, in the next release version, this setting will be available for exporting the gbxml.


@piusto, the new version is now publicly available (v1.43.12). It includes the option that @mingbo mentioned above and here is what the exported gbXML looks like.

Keep in mind that the option is not selected by default, and you have to select it when it exporting the model to gbXML.

Es 1.3.3_Pollination_Solve Adj_B_Int_Only.xml (225.1 KB)


A post was split to a new topic: Issues with fixing missing adjacencies for interior doors