Issue exporting rooms from revit

Hi all. I am facing an error while creating rooms. It doesn’t define the error. I am attaching a snapshot below

Hi @asisnath - did you check the logs? Do you see any errors there? Since all the rooms are failing it is probably something substantial about the model or the Revit plugin.

Hi @mostapha. How can I check that in Revit plugin?

Click on About and you should see the path to the log file:


It is at %appdata%\pollination\logs\Debug.log. In the near future, we will add a button so you don’t have to do this.

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This is the log file
Debug.log (1.2 MB)

Thanks! For some reason, it is failing to create the Spatial Space from the Revit model

2023-09-06 20:00:04.3875|FATAL|pollination_logger|System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Pollination.Revit.Schemas.Room2D..ctor(SpatialElement e, List`1& messages)
   at Pollination.Revit.CreateModel.Wrappers.SpatialObjectWrapper..ctor(SpatialElement e, Boolean isSelectionWrapper, Boolean isFloorToCeilingHeightOverriden, String displayFloorToCeilingHeight)
   at Pollination.Revit.CreateModel.CreateModelRequestHandler.GetSpatialObjects(UIApplication app)|System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Pollination.Revit.Schemas.Room2D..ctor(SpatialElement e, List`1& messages)
   at Pollination.Revit.CreateModel.Wrappers.SpatialObjectWrapper..ctor(SpatialElement e, Boolean isSelectionWrapper, Boolean isFloorToCeilingHeightOverriden, String displayFloorToCeilingHeight)
   at Pollination.Revit.CreateModel.CreateModelRequestHandler.GetSpatialObjects(UIApplication app)
2023-09-06 20:00:04.3875|INFO|pollination_logger|Failed to parse WC B8 120. It will be skipped.|

I’ll document this for @ksobon with your model. Can you tell me which version of the Revit is used for this project?

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Revit 2024.1 version

OK. That might be it! We haven’t tested Revit 2024 enough to make it official. I’ll keep you posted!

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