Problem with leed-daylight-option

Hi @albinber, it is still unclear what’s causing the issue. Do you have time for a call so that we can debug the issue live? If yes, what time works for you the best?

I have some time for the next hour or so, otherwise tomorrow between 10.00 and 12.00 GMT or after 14.00

Ok, thanks. I will send you a private message for a Google Meet at 1 pm (EST) and 5 pm (your time).


Here is the update for the call.
We did a few tests: different versions of the LEED receipt, daylight factor, and a new simple box model with all default settings, the “SQLite” error happens constantly and there is no log for the local simulation runs.

Before making any conclusions about this error, I’d like to log more data for local runs first.
The next step for me is adding loggers for all components that are related to the local runs, to capture what when wrong. @albinber will install the updated version to test and hopefully we will be able to understand the error better from the logs.

cc @mostapha


To update everyone who is following this post. The “SQLite” issue is addressed in version 1.43.14 or newer. Please update the plugin if you encounter the same issue.