Rhino 6 Compability

i’m working on Rhino6 and try to install the Rhino/Grasshopper Pollination Plugin. Installation succeeds, but if i open Grasshopper i get the following error messages;

The plugin loads in grasshopper, but i can’t use the IDM dump for example:

Is there a way to use Pollination on Rhino6 or do we have to upgrade?
Best regards,

Hi, @heikow!

@mingbo, should be able to help. From what I see the error is from the license activator DLL and not the Pollination core libraries. I’m not aware of any incompatibility.

I take it back! I can also recreate the error on Rhino 6.

Thanks @mostapha @heikow for reporting the issue and testing. I just pushed a fix and it should work in the Rhino 6 with the next release.

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Hi @heikow, The new release is publicly available. Let us know if you still face any incompatibility issues with Rhino 6.

Hi @mostapha,
hi @mingbo,
Plugin is now working and i can start testing.
thanks for the quick fix!

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