Rhino Pollination - Room Properties window size

Sometimes when I apply a construction or program to a room in rhino’s pollination plugin, it will change how the contents fit inside the window, preventing me from editing things like SWH (picture included for context). Wondering if there is a workaround for this, and possibly if this can be modified in a future release of Pollination, maybe making the window dynamic or at least resizable.

This looks like a bug! The user should be about to edit all the menus

Hi @tylermcw,

Could you show me instructions of how to recreate this issue?
I tried to create a ConstuctionSet with a very long name, but it seems doesn’t have the same issue as yours.

standards.zip (16.7 KB)

I’ve provided the json files I am working with, maybe that can help. I notice that my window says Pollination where as yours is Honeybee.

Hi @tylermcw, does it happen on every model? If yes, are you using Rhino 6 or 7, and what’s your Pollination plugin’s version?