Using Rhino plugin for CIBSE TM59 overheating assessment

@milog and @chriss ,

It ended up being faster than expected to put together a sample that changes the AFN output by honeybee to gradually open the windows. (116.9 KB)

In the sample, you’ll find a small component that I wrote, which post-processes the OSM with the AirflowNetwork in it:

It essentially goes through all of the EMS program objects that tell the AFN when to open the windows and changes them from this simple logic with one setpoint:

… to this more complex logic that gradually opens the windows with each degree rise in room temperature (between 22C and 26C):

The resulting OSM can be simulated with the HB Run OSM component as you see in the sample file.

Let me know if this gives you what you need. As I said earlier, this custom postprocessing component can also be converted into an OpenStudio measure if you want to run it as part of the simulation process in any Pollination recipe.